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- 479-788-7230
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2024年春季毕业典礼将于上午10点举行.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m. 5月11日星期六,在斯塔布菲尔德中心.
10 a.m. Ceremony
The 10 a.m. 典礼将表彰来自 文理学院. 单击学院名称显示该学院的每个专业.
- 文学副学士
- 通识副学士
- Biology
- 具有教师执照的生物学
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Engineering
- English
- 英语教师资格证
- General Studies
- Geoscience
- Graphic Design
- History
- 拥有教师执照的历史
- Mathematics
- 数学教师资格证
- 媒体沟通
- Music
- Music Education
- 政治科学
- 修辞学与写作
- Spanish
- Studio Art
- Theatre
1 p.m. Ceremony
The 1 p.m. 典礼将表彰来自 工商学院. 单击学院名称显示该学院的每个专业.
- Accounting
- Applied Science
- 汽车技术
- 菲律宾十大网赌网站
- 计算机图形技术
- 柴油技术
- 电气工程技术
- 电子科技
- Finance
- 通用技术
- 工业电子和电气维修
- 国际业务
- Marketing
- 组织的领导
- 无人机系统
- Welding
4 p.m. Ceremony
The 4 p.m. 典礼将表彰来自 健康、教育和人文科学学院. 单击学院名称显示该学院的每个专业.
- Dental Hygiene
- 幼儿教育
- 教育学硕士
- 小学教育
- 医疗管理硕士
- Imaging Sciences
- 中学教育
- Nursing
- 实际的护理
- Psychology
- Radiography
- Social Work
- 外科手术技术
Cap and gown can be purchased online through the Herff Jones until April 16.
- Master's graduates wear a black master’s gown with the hood for their area of study.
- 学士学位毕业生头戴黑色帽子,身穿黑色长袍.
- 副学士和证书毕业生戴海军蓝帽子,穿海军蓝长袍.
The reader card notes the graduate’s name, degree, college, and any applicable university honors. It is handed to the reader by the graduate as they go on stage to receive 他们的文凭封面. 然后读者会宣布毕业生的名字和学位 当他们走过舞台时.
Reader cards can be picked up at the Registrar’s Office the week of commencement, May 6-10.
Graduates should arrive 45 minutes before the start of the ceremony. Graduates will line up in the Echols Building (directly south of Stubblefield) and should enter the 在面向沃尔德伦路的入口处的大楼. 为了从斯塔布菲尔德找到埃克尔斯 walk up the sidewalk from the main entrance toward the Echols Building, and look for 写着“研究生入学”的牌子.”
- 20世纪10年代的毕业生.m. 仪式应不迟于上午9:15到达.m.
- 毕业生在1点.m. 仪式不应迟于下午12:15.m.
- 毕业生在4点.m. 仪式不应迟于下午3:15.m.
Graduates are encouraged to wear attire appropriate to honor the occasion. Graduates 在典礼上戴上他们的帽子和长袍. 女人被告诫,鞋子带 太高的高跟鞋可能会使游行时行走困难.
Graduates should not bring personal items (purse, coat, umbrellas, etc.) to the line-up area. We understand that you will be entering directly from outdoors, but unfortunately 仪式期间没有地方存放个人物品. 如果可能的话,离开 你的一位客人的私人物品.
Each college will be represented by a faculty marshal carrying a sign with the college 在艾克尔斯大楼的排队区. 毕业生们会在后面排队 marshal/banner of their respective college (the college of each graduate is listed 在他们的读者卡上). 毕业生的认可顺序如下:硕士学位; bachelor degrees with honors, bachelor degrees, associate degrees with honors, associate 学位、技术证书.
Graduates will march into the arena behind the banner of their respective college. The marshal will hand off the banner and lead the graduates to their seats. The chairs 要排在中间靠过道的位置吗. 毕业生将向下移动,填补每一张椅子 in the row and remain standing until the chancellor asks all to be seated.
Tentative academic honors are noted in the commencement program, and these students 是否会佩戴与该荣誉相称的绶带和/或绶带. 所有合格学生 通过他们的UAFS电子邮件通知.
Commencement honors are tentative and are based on all college-level coursework including 从其他机构转来的课程. 毕业时取得的成绩 semester are not used in the calculation of honors noted at commencement. Official honors will be calculated after grades are submitted and will be noted on the graduate’s 文凭及成绩单.
Honors will be conferred upon bachelor's degree graduates who meet the criteria for 荣誉表彰如下. UAFS学术荣誉的官方确定 is made after all degree requirements have been met and will be identified on the 毕业生的正式成绩单和毕业证书.
Tentative academic honors are recognized at commencement, noted in the commencement program, and do not include grades earned during the graduate’s final semester.
- 最优等生:GPA 3分.9–4.0
- 优等生:GPA 3分.8–3.89
- 优等生:GPA 3分.6–3.79
University bachelor's degree honors are based on the following criteria:
- Cumulative GPA in one of the categories noted above for ALL college-level coursework, including all coursework 从其他机构和所有重复的课程 (developmental coursework and 已获学术赦免的课程不包括在内). NOTE: GPA反映在我的.UAFS仅适用于UAFS课程,可能不反映GPA 用于计算荣誉.
- 在UAFS完成至少45小时
- A minimum of 50 percent of hours in the major field completed at UAFS
- Honors are awarded only for the first baccalaureate degree conferred.
- Any student subject to disciplinary sanctions for academic misconduct or disciplinary 在UAFS休学不能以优异成绩毕业.
The associate degree with distinction will be conferred upon associate degree graduates 累积绩点只有3分的学生.6-4.所有大学水平的课程都是0分.
Tentative academic honors are recognized at commencement, noted in the commencement program, and do not include grades earned during the graduate's final semester.
University associate degree honors are based on the following criteria:
- 累积绩点3.6-4.所有大学水平课程0分,包括所有课程 从其他机构和所有重复的课程. (发展性课程和 已获学术赦免的课程不包括在内). NOTE: GPA反映在我的.UAFS仅适用于UAFS课程,可能不反映GPA 用于计算荣誉.
- 满足相应副学士学位的居住要求
- 文学副学士 and 通识副学士: last 15 hours at UAFS
- Associate of Applied Science and Associate of Science: last 15 hours and 50 percent 在UAFS完成的主要学时
- 荣誉只授予授予第一个副学士学位的学生. 有以下经历的学生 previously earned a degree higher than an associate are not eligible.
- Any student subject to disciplinary sanctions for academic misconduct or disciplinary 在UAFS休学不能以优异成绩毕业.
The top of the cap may be decorated, but should not contain any offensive images or language. 要有礼貌,但要玩得开心. The gown should not be decorated.
Graduates will need to bring their cap and gown, tassel, photographer card, and reader card.
Please DO NOT 带上钱包、相机等. to the ceremony. 这些物品没有存储空间 在斯塔布菲尔德中心. 建议把这些物品留给家人 or friends who will be attending the ceremony or lock them securely in a vehicle. For those who don’t have a convenient pocket to put them in, keys can be pinned to 礼服的内侧.
Guests and graduates may park in any UAFS parking lot, with the exception of the lots 就在斯塔布菲尔德附近. 这些都是为与会者保留或预留的 有身体残疾的人.
All lots noted with blue and/or green (with the exception of lot G) are open parking for commencement.
UAFS has contracted with Grad Images to take individual photographs at commencement. They will take two photographs of each graduate: the first is of the graduate being presented 他们的文凭封面 by the chancellor, and the second as the student walks off the stage.
Grad Images will be contacting each student via email with prices and proofs the week 仪式结束后. To facilitate this students will complete a photographer information 当他们拿起他们的读者卡时. The photographer card is required even if the graduate is not ordering photographs. 这个学生将带着这两种东西参加毕业典礼. 读者卡将被交给 读者作为毕业生走上舞台. 拍照者卡将会给拍照者 就在学生上台之前.
Graduates who require special accommodations for themselves or guests should contact 注册官办公室地址 479-788-7230 or graduation@walkerlogic.com by May 1.
Each graduate will receive a diploma cover containing a letter of congratulations 莱利校长送的,但里面不会有文凭. 文凭只能打印出来 after completion of degree requirements is verified for all graduates, approximately 毕业后八周. UAFS将通过电子邮件通知每位毕业生 their diploma is ready and may be picked up at the Registrar’s Office. In this email graduates are given the option of requesting that the diploma be mailed to an address they specify.
All graduates should continue to check their UAFS email after commencement for this reason.
所有的仪式都会在这个网页上进行直播 UAFS YouTube频道.
2024年秋季- 12月14日
- 文理学院 - 10 a.m.
- 工商学院 and 健康、教育和人文科学学院 - 1 p.m.
2025年春季- 5月10日
- 工商学院 - 10 a.m.
- 健康、教育和人文科学学院 - 1 p.m.
- 文理学院 - 4 p.m.